Items is Cassava feature that will allow you to create predefined items which will speed up the process when creating new invoices/estimates/proposals.
Create new item
To create new items from the main admin menu navigate to Sales->Items and click on the top left button New Item.
- Description – Give the item short description of item heading.
- Long Description – Item long description for more detailed information.
- Rate – The total cost for this specific item you are creating without taxes.
- Tax – Apply item predefined tax, the tax will be auto-applied when creating new invoice/estimate/proposal/credit note
- Unit – If you need to the use unit for the item you can add exactly in this field. Eq. lots, kg
- Item Group – If you have a lot of items and you need to organize them in groups you can select a groups that you previously created in the same screen by clicking on the Group top left button.
Click Save to save all the item information.